The substances used in iVMT are vitamins and minerals which are categorized as “Essential Nutrients” – those things our bodies must have in order to be healthy and vital, but are incapable of making from other raw materials. Traditionally, Essential Nutrients were obtained from the food we eat. In modern times, however, the poor quality of our over-processed foods means that most of us are severely deficient in these Essential Nutrients. Deficiencies of these nutrients, in fact, are associated with most health challenges. Providing the body with Essential Nutrients it badly needs is generally healthy for most people. Small risks are associated with the intravenous injection process, which may include bruising around the injection site, and are similar to the risks of having your blood drawn for lab tests. Side Effects of iVMT can include bruising around the site of the needle stick. Some clients may have a tendency to vascular fragility, and can suffer a phenomenon known as “infiltration”, in which the walls of the vein rupture and the iV fluid leaks into the surrounding tissue causing local burning. This will dissipate within a short period of time, but the iV site will need to be moved to another vein. Some clients may have small or hard-to-find veins. In rare instances, if you have small veins or are especially prone to vascular fragility, you may not be a candidate for iVMT. In some instances, a period of high dose oral nutrients can build up your nutritional state and help strengthen your veins to the point you can use the iVMT delivery system.