The Science of Hydration focuses on the specific needs of replenishing levels quickly and efficiently to maximize performance, recovery and health. Our physician has created specialized IV Therapies that safely provide you with nutrients, medication, and vitamins to supply your body with everything you need to be at your very best.
IV hydration typically takes 30-40 minutes, so make yourself comfortable in our state of the art modern spa. Featuring individual lounge chairs, relaxed sitting areas, and private rooms for groups.

IV Add-ons and Booster Shots
Add-Ons are a great way to take advantage of your drip by adding med/minerals to any IV that does not already include it.
Glutathione – $25
Recovery + Strength +
Endurance + Detoxification
Vitamin C – $25
Powerful Antioxidant + Immune Boost +
B12 – $25
Energy Level Boost + Heart Health +
Healthy Digestion